Rødspætte Cup, the largest international youth handball tournament in Denmark, is ready to go live after signing a new partnership with Solidsport. That with the ambition to create their own streaming service and share all unforgettable action with their community.
The cooperation is a big step in digitizing the Rødspætte Cup that for future editions aims to broadcast all games live and on demand and create a new service for all the fans that want to take part in the tournament action.
Rødspætte Cup hoped to broadcast all games live already in 2022, but due to lack of staff, they were forced to start up with 8 out of 14 courts. The games will be broadcasted on their new streaming channel: solidsport.com/rodspaette-cup
Streaming is the future of sports and for us, this is a great opportunity to offer a new service that make it possible for our audience to take part of the live action from Rødspætte cup, regardless of where they are.
– Mads Buje, committee member for Rødspætte Cup.
Solidsport is one of Europe’s leading sport streaming platforms with 60 000 sport broadcasts during 2021 and with a broad experience of working with some of the world's largest youth tournaments.
Youth tournaments have been a success story for Solidsport so far and we're of course very happy to partner up with yet another prestigious one. With our long experience of working with tournaments of all sizes across the Nordics and German markets, we now look forward to helping Rødspætte Cup to create a great streaming service for their audience.
– Tobias Thalbäck, CEO of Solidsport.
Solidsport was founded with the vision of digitizing the sports community and making it possible to broadcast all games and events on all levels. That by creating a free and easy streaming platform that enables everyone to broadcast their sport live. Since the start, 160 000+ games and sporting events have been broadcasted on Solidsport, generating over 5 000 000€ in revenue to those thousands teams and clubs using the platform.